May the Israeli Defense Forces be strengthened and encouraged like King David who said to the giant, “You come to me using a sword and two spears. But I come to you in the name of the LORD All-Powerful, the God of the armies of Israel! You have spoken against Him.” (1 Samuel 17:45 NCV)

God is with you, Israeli Defense Forces! The name of God goes before you. For even as King David said, “Everyone gathered here will know the LORD does not need swords or spears to save people. The battle belongs to Him, and He will hand you over to us,” so will the battles you face belong to the LORD. (1 Samuel 17:47 NCV)

For dreams shall come to your enemies in the night, like in the days of Gideon, and your enemies shall know that God is with you. For you shall be encouraged like Gideon. For it is written: When Gideon heard about the dream and what it meant, he worshipped God. Then Gideon went back to the camp of Israel and called out to them, “Get up! The LORD has handed the army of Midian over to you!” (Judges 7:15 NCV) Israeli Defense Forces, you shall worship God, and He shall hand your enemies over to you!

The Mighty One of Israel is His name. The King of Glory, mighty in battle goes before you! When you march around seven times, then shout like the camp of Joshua! Shout like the camp of Gideon! For the LORD God has given your enemies into your hand, and you shall possess the gates of your enemies!

Glory be to God in the highest!

In the name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach I declare these victories of God over you. Amen. Amen!

(Scriptures from NCV)