Our Mission

The mission of the Lantern’s Oil Prayer Fellowship is to be a light in the darkness of these end times. We pray to bring the will of God on earth as He has established in Heaven, including salvation, healing, forgiveness, reconciliation, deliverance, restoration, regeneration, renewal, revival and the invasion of the glory of God to the people on the earth. We welcome the glory of God to transform individuals, families, congregations, cities, nations who come by faith, believing that God can fulfill every need and every destiny.

Welcome to the Lantern’s Oil Prayer Fellowship!

Our Ministers

Our ministers seek the heart of God for every need and situation of prayer requested. Through various gifts of the Holy Spirit our prayer time may include manifestations of God’s presence, such as speaking in tongues, groaning in the Spirit, expressions of praise and adoration to the Lord, expressions of joy and uncontrollable laughter, expressions of thanksgiving and tears of joy, experiences of the Lord’s touch by sensations of tingling, sudden coolness like a breeze, or sudden warmth and heat like a purifying fire. We witness this to be the love of God being poured out on us as we seek and believe God for His will in our lives and the circumstances for which we pray.

Holy Ground

The Lantern’s Oil Prayer Fellowship has been consecrated to the Lord and set apart by God for these End-times. We seek the truth of the Lord through the scriptures and confirmed prophetic revelation. Sometimes, as the Lord leads, we go out to events or visit neighborhoods, or congregations to bring light into the darkness of lives, to encourage many, to set the captives free, to lead many into salvation and personal relationship with Jesus and to serve Jesus by outreach to the poor and discouraged. The Lord’s love and forgiveness are free. He is inviting you to “Come, be forgiven and be free of your burdens of sin.”